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This site is for pet owners.
The worst thing about our pets is they don't live long enough. When they get sick and die it can be absolutely devastating.
This site gives you a place to create an online memorial resting place. It is our intention to include a forum and weekly group call so that you can directly connect with other pet owners. In the meantime please contact us should you need to talk and we will get back to you.
People who don't have a pet may have no concept of the effects from the loss of a pet. Here is a place where everybody does understand. ​

Why this site?

We had two dogs, Paris and Toes. We got them when they were nearly one. They came with their names. When Paris died I looked everywhere for someone to talk to. Sometimes a stranger is better. I couldn't find anyone or anything online so I decided to start this for myself and Paris and other pet owners.
I hope it can help us all.
Catherine and my sister Margaret.

Why this site?

We had two dogs, Paris and Toes. We got them when they were nearly one. They came with their names. When Paris died I looked everywhere for someone to talk to. Sometimes a stranger is better. I couldn't find anyone or anything online so I decided to start this for myself and Paris and other pet owners.
I hope it can help us all.
Catherine and my sister Margaret.

For When Your Pet Dies

This site is to enable you to gather memories of your pet. With space to capture your thoughts and feelings, along with some photos, creating a memorial can provide comfort and focus during this challenging time. It can also be a cathartic and healing experience.


The stages of death and grief :

Shock and denial

Pain and guilt

Anger and bargaining


The upward turn

Reconstruction and working through

Acceptance and hope

For anyone grieving the death of a pet, the pain can be overwhelming. Many pet owners view their companions as much more than an animal — to them, they’re members of the family. Losing your best friend is heart-breaking and can leave behind a profound sense of emptiness and loss.

Each person deals with grief differently. Some people find it hard to express their feelings because not everyone around them understands the gravity of the loss, especially if they’ve never had a pet of their own.

People who are not pet lovers don’t understand what the big deal is, and if someone has never experienced this kind of relationship, they genuinely don’t know how important it is to those of us who have.

Finding someone to communicate with can make such a difference.

In our time of sadness, what we hope for is someone who is compassionate, even if that person lacks the understanding of why we are grieving. But it is sometimes difficult to find that support.

It’s important to understand you don’t need to grieve alone. The most important thing you can get out of a group is the sense that there is nothing wrong with you for feeling the way you do.

Just how long grief lasts varies for everyone. For some, bringing a new pet into the home sooner rather than later can help ease the pain. For others, it takes longer to open up their hearts and home again. Some people consider fostering a pet.

Just remember, it’s completely natural to mourn the loss of your pet, and you’re never alone in your grief. We understand.


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